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Aerobic power 1.

Środa, 5 grudnia 2012 · dodano: 05.12.2012 | Komentarze 0

50 min zaliczone, ale chyba czas się wyspać ...

15 minutes – Warm up (increasing intensity)
5 x (4min high intensity + 2min low intensity)
5 minutes cool down
proste, no nie ?! ;-P
This program is designed to increase your maximum oxygen consumption.
It gives you 20 minutes at a very high oxygen consumption, but it is not designed to be ridden to complete exhaustion.
Your VO2 max will gain improvements even at a more comfortable pace.
It is, however, still important to push yourself very hard during the intervals. In the resting periods you should maintain an intensity at about 60% of VO2 max.

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